2023 大鵬灣D1國際甩尾比賽
大鵬灣D1國際甩尾比賽活動圓滿落幕,第一次這麼近距離的觀看到精彩的甩尾比賽,真是刺激,也透過這次的攤位展覽,現場講解 矽膠雨刷的優點,以及我們的雨刷之後可以膠條單獨更換的設計,讓更多人認識 銳視雨刷。
2023 Dapeng Bay D1 International Drifting Competition
The Dapeng Bay D1 International Drifting Contest came to a successful conclusion. It was the first time to watch the wonderful drifting competition at such a close distance. It was really exciting. Through this booth exhibition, the advantages of silicone wipers and our The design that the strips can be replaced separately after the wiper has made more people aware of Rueision wipers.